Android Auto connection problems with Huawei phones.

If you have a Huawei phone, it is likely that on some occasion you have encountered or may encounter some problem when using Android Auto. The compatibility problems of the smartphones company with the technology to use Android in the car are well known. In fact, in the days before an unprecedented trade war, both Huawei and Google worked side by side on a solution that would allow owners of the brand’s phones to use their devices with Android Auto without problems.

Today there are already a good number of smartphones of the Chinese brand that work with the Google system for the car, but it is likely that you will encounter annoying operating problems during their execution.

Before proceeding to fix Android Auto problems with your Huawei smartphone, you have to double check two things:

Is your multimedia device compatible with Android Auto?
Does the used USB cable allow data transfer?

In afirmative case to these two questions, we will try to fix the problems that appear to be found on your Huawei smartphone.

Black screen

Many users complain of connection problems, initial pairing or black screens appearing at the start of various applications. This problem is fixed by updating the application from the Google Play Store. Then you will have to erase the data and empty the cache of the Android Auto app to be able to use the app from scratch again. To do this, follow the following sequence:

Settings> applications> Android Auto> Storage> Clear data and Empty cache.

Incoming calls or notifications are not displayed

Android Auto has a complete notification menu. To access  you must push on the smartphone settings, scroll to the applications menu and entry Android Auto app. Here you must check that you are allowed alerts from the Notifications menu. Once verified, go back and click on the setting icon to the right of the Android Auto version, this will give you access to a new individual notification configuration panel where you must enable all the alerts that are indicated in the menu to receive notifications calls, WhatsApp, SMS and whatever you need.

Can’t listen to audio in the car using Google Play Music

This is a bug pending solution by the brand, as with the Waze compatibility, it is fixed with a software update. However, there are versions of EMUI that continue to show this failure so it is possible that, depending on your Huawei model, you have a solution or not.

If not, you can always go to listening to music through the Bluetooth audio streaming connection, instead of through Android Auto.

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